January 13, 2022
Don’t Pay Twice for Your Lighting Upgrade!
Less than five years ago, we submitted a proposal to upgrade the parking deck lighting at one of Georgia’s largest shopping malls. Unfortunately, the owners chose another company with a lower up-front price. Fast forward to 2021. Unfortunately, more than 40 light fixtures had failed, leaving large areas of the
July 17, 2019
One Size Does Not Fit All – Revisited
It’s all Henry Ford’s fault. He told his customers that they could buy their Model T in any color they wanted, as long as it was black. And many companies take the same approach when proposing an LED upgrade. If a parking lot has one, two, three, or four fixtures
June 17, 2019
Warning: Lighting as a Service may be hazardous to your wealth.
Recently, a lighting competitor approached one of my customers with a proposal using a subscription-based lease model — aka Lighting as a Service. In this scenario, my customer would agree to pay 75% of the estimated energy savings each month, and in turn, the lighting contractor promises to upgrade the
June 10, 2019
What’s Wrong With This Picture?
Look closely at this picture and count how many things are wrong. I’ll wait. How many issues did you count? I counted 6. Pole lights are not designed to have ladders lean against them. They are only designed to hold the weight of the light fixture and to withstand expected
June 3, 2019
85% Reduction in Lighting Costs at McDonald’s in Jefferson, GA
Lowering Operating Costs, Saving Energy, and Attracting Additional Customers How do you reduce costs while attracting additional customers and revenues? It’s easy! Choose Lighting Technologies to upgrade your interior and exterior lighting to LED. When we upgraded this store to LED the customer realized the following benefits: Annual energy and
May 27, 2019
Don’t Fund His Next Billboard
Ever wonder why you see so many billboards advertising personal injury law firms? Because it’s a big business! Total revenues for injury law firms were $35 billion last year. That’s 1.75 times the total worldwide revenues for McDonald’s in 2018. The average personal injury lawyer makes $237,000 a year, making
October 28, 2018
Save your energy. We’ll take care of it.
Lighting Technologies is a full-service lighting management company. As experts in commercial LED technology, we self-perform installation and after-sale service for customers in Georgia and Alabama. As members of the PLASMA network, we serve customers across the United States and Canada as well. We pride ourselves on quick response time, knowledgeable
October 28, 2018
Does your road sign look this good?
Your road sign is one of your best forms of advertising, right? But, if it doesn’t look great, what message are you sending to potential customers? Could your road sign actually be working against you?? The impact of a great looking sign is huge. And since LED technology is becoming